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Teeth Whitening & White Spot Removal in East Amherst, NY

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Discover Your Brighter Smile at The Ivory

Your tooth tone is as unique as your skin tone, adding to the elegance of your smile. While many of us envision Hollywood-style brightness as the picture of healthy teeth, your smile shade tells the story of your life.

A radiant smile can feel and look healthy. Having an even white tone often signifies good dental health, emphasizing that this is more than just a cosmetic trend—it’s about prioritizing your well-being.

The Ivory Dental Co. is here to help you discover your brilliance. Whether you prefer an in-office white spot treatment or a personalized at-home brightening solution, book your consultation today.

What Are White Spots?

Discoloration, whether in the form of brown stains or white spots, can be a sign of tooth decay or weakened enamel (the protective barrier for each tooth). 

Teeth can develop white spots during development or after they erupt. Some common causes include premature birth, high fever, or infection during tooth development, enamel fluorosis, or demineralization during braces due to plaque accumulation and mineral loss in the tooth enamel.

Can White Spots Be Removed?

There are several options for white spot removal including Icon resin infiltration or enamel microabrasion. 

Icon resin infiltration works by using an etchant on the outermost layer of the tooth, followed by a liquid resin solution that penetrates the porous areas in the enamel, filling the white spots and causing them to disappear.

Icon can be completed in as little as one hour and is a minimally invasive treatment option offering stable long-term results with no need for numbing.

Take-Home vs. In-Office Teeth Whitening: What’s Right for You?

At The Ivory, we take pride in crafting a treatment experience tailored to your goals and schedule. Our teeth whitening options, both in-office and take-home, can brighten the brilliance of your smile.

We’re thrilled to help you discover your dream smile with KöR professional whitening systems. KöR is well-known in the dental community as the world’s most effective professional whitening system, giving bright long-lasting results with minimal sensitivity, even for stubborn dark tetracycline-stained teeth.

KöR Home Whitening

Experience the convenience of whitening your teeth from the comfort of your own home. 

After a quick dental appointment to take a digital scan of your teeth, you’ll be given custom-fit whitening trays. Wear these trays for 2 weeks and witness the transformation.

Brightening your smile shade is a gradual process, but the results can be as effective as in-office whitening.

KöR In-Office Whitening

The KöR in-office whitening systems are unique in that they combine an at-home pre-conditioning whitening phase with a 1-hour in-office treatment. 

There are 3 options depending on the severity of your individualized treatment needs, including KöR MAX, KöR ULTRA, and KöR ULTRA-T. 

Dr. Sweeney will help you choose which option is best to achieve your brightest possible smile. Results are maintained with periodic at-home whitening.

KöR Whitening Before & After Gallery

Icon Resin Before & After Gallery

Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Bright

KöR professional whitening results can last many years, depending on how you care for your teeth. You can help maintain your radiant smile and prevent white spots with these simple yet effective tips:

  • Limit consumption of teeth-staining foods & drinks, such as coffee, berries, & red wine.
  • Brush your teeth twice daily using fluoride toothpaste for a dazzling shine.
  • Schedule regular dental cleanings to keep plaque & tartar at bay.
  • Embrace the goodness of fruits and vegetables, especially crunchy greens.
  • Avoid smoking & chewing tobacco to protect your gums & teeth.
  • Moderate your sugar intake & remember to brush after indulging in sweet treats.

Brighten Your Smile Today

At The Ivory Dental Co., we meticulously create personalized cosmetic makeovers that address every aspect of your oral health and smile goals. 

From brightening smiles to protecting enamel, it’s not just dental work—it’s an art form. Our commitment is to provide a service that is as unique and extraordinary as each individual who steps through our doors.

After all, isn’t it about time you treated yourself to a smile? 

Book your appointment at The Ivory today.

Our Services

Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers





Esthetics for Men

Esthetics for Men

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening



Our Location

Our Address

  • 6043 Transit Rd. Suite 102
  • East Amherst, NY 14051

Contact Information

Find our building on Transit Road across from the Transit Valley Country Club located in the Transit Meadows Medical & Professional Park. The spacious parking lot offers plenty of convenient spots.

Our Hours

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 2:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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